Getting Off Lamictal/Lamotrigine

Recently a dear friend of mine went on Lamictal and her doctor told her getting off Lamictal would be easy because she was on a low dose. Update: We now have a forum for getting off Lamictal support and you can click right here to access it. Start a topic, ask a questions. I got Read More

2 Herbs and a Supplement For Anxiety and Insomnia

If you struggle with anxiety, depression, insomnia, adrenal fatigue or trauma, these are my top 3 recommendations. They are safe and effective for most people and I explain their benefits as well as a few contraindications. Note: magnesium can cause problems in benzo withdrawal and possibly other types of psychiatric drug withdrawal. Don’t make the Read More

Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: Checklist

Psychiatric Med Withdrawal Checklist of things to keep in mind: 1. It Gets Better. Most people find that after psychiatric med withdrawal symptoms subside, they feel much better. This is because a toxin is no longer hampering the bodily systems, so everything is easier from breathing, to exercise, to digestion, to thinking clearly, communication and Read More

Tips For Psychiatric Survivors in Trump Era

In the wake of the new administration, many harsh realities have been hitting us. Our work to guard and protect those vulnerable to emotional/mental meltdowns is even more cut out for us than ever, and we were already under-resourced and overwhelmed. What many have studied along the lines of helping people in crisis and in Read More

Iatrogenic Injury, Ayurvedic Constitution, and Aging

I felt some healing in my body this morning.  It reminded me of how much damage psych drugs did to this same body when I was 20-23 and how a lot of that damage is felt MORE as I get older, not less, because it affected my aging process. The damage to my kidneys, liver, Read More

Do It In a Group

The group can be on the phone, online, in person. If you’re coming off psych drugs, hoping to someday, or staying off, do it in a group. This doesn’t mean you need to spend all of your time in a group while you’re withdrawing (ha!). Most of us wouldn’t want to do that. It means Read More