Start Here

I’m Chaya Grossberg, and I’m here to help you navigate the sometimes confusing world of alternatives to psychiatry and psychiatric drug withdrawal. Do you imagine what life might be like free from side effects of psychiatric meds? That’s what I’m here to help you achieve.





Since 2003 I have been helping people who want to be free from psychiatric drugs and to transform trauma, spiritual experiences and creativity into a thriving and meaningful life path. Everyone on this paths starts out feeling anxious, worried and unsure if it’s even possible. If you are worried that it isn’t possible for you, please remember that everyone feels that way, and many go on to achieve the freedom and success that you will begin to envision for yourself.




There’s a ton of useful content on this website, and this page is here to make it a bit easier for you to navigate when you are getting started (or anytime along the way).

On the sidebar (or at the bottom of the page if you are on mobile) you will see a list of the most popular blogs on this site. At the bottom of each blog, you will also find related posts, so you can continue to read about similar topics.


Here’s your free E-Book to get started!


Get Off Psychiatric Medication


Buy the Workbook and Audio Meditation For Psychiatric Drug Freedom here.


freedom from psychiatric meds workbook



To book an appointment with me:




Now for some useful articles and videos you may find helpful as you start to navigate alternatives to psychiatry:









Motivational blogs:


111 Things to Try Before Going On Psychiatric Drugs blog

84 Capacities That Can Return When Getting Off Psychiatric Meds

Psychiatric Survivors In Business


Coming Off Psych Meds and Withdrawal:


How To Come Off Psychiatric Drugs

Alternatives to Psychiatric Drugs Facebook Groups




Here’s my You Tube channel if you prefer watching videos about these topics

Here’s my most popular video:




Here’s the full length film Coming Off Psych Drugs by Daniel Mackler:



The comments sections on the blogs are good places to ask questions. I look forward to hearing from you and please visit again any time along your journey.

At the bottom of the page, you can enter your email address to subscribe to the blogs for free so you will get them as soon as they are published. Thanks again for being here!