FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve been on psych meds for a long time. Can you still help me?

Yes. People can get off psych meds after many years. It usually needs to be done slowly and carefully with a lot of preparation.

I’m on more than one psych med but only want to get off of one right now. Can I still work with you?

Yes of course.

I’m not yet ready to withdraw from psych meds but I’d still like to make an appointment with you, to prepare for the future when I might be. Is this okay?


mental health perspectives

Do you offer discounts/scholarships?

For the initial appointment I don’t. After the initial session, I offer discount packages. Sometimes I have scholarship money for a further discount on long term packages if needed. Please inquire.

Do you offer free consultations?

No. I hope you can get a good sense of how I work, who I am and what I stand for by reading my blogs and watching my videos.

What strategies do you use to help people coming off psych meds?

First I listen and ask questions. After that the strategy is formed based on where you are at in your withdrawal or preparation for withdrawal journey. We get all of the supports in place for you to be successfully psych med free including social, nutritional, creative and lifestyle. Together we create a tapering plan (not medical advice, but any medical practitioners you choose can be included). I offer intuitive guidance and hope, allowing you to see your life in a larger context. I offer education about the psych drugs withdrawal process and do research for you when needed.

Typically the first thing I do is listen. Most of my clients have never been truly heard and believed, trusted about their own authority on their experiences. I listen, validate and ask questions such as “What is your passion?” and “What was going on in your life when you were first diagnosed?” and of course, “What is going on now, what are the challenges to withdrawal?”

Then we formulate a plan which may include a slow taper plan, some supplements, herbs, food choices and lifestyle choices. Some of my clients are ready to taper right away while others are not and it’s important for me to respect them where they are.

If you need other referrals such as a local doctor/herbalist/naturopath/psychiatrist/support group etc, I do research for my clients in my network if necessary and make recommendations.

If you need a residential or semi-residential but safe place to transition, we discuss ones that already exist or creating one.

I have created programs for clients that include a housemate, peer, therapist, herbalist and community connections to help get back on their feet after being isolated or hospitalized for a long time. These programs are very self directed and take all of the client’s preferences/sensitivities into account.

mental health empowerment

Here are testimonials from my clients who say it better than I do.

What are your specialties?

Intuitive guidance coming off psychiatric drugs (not medical advice)
Intuitive guidance for family members of those coming or staying off psychiatric drugs
Gentle yoga and meditation
Interviewing you and writing your story with you
Reiki, massage, astrology readings, crystal healing, Tarot, intuitive readings
Writing, creative and psychiatric survivor business mentorship
Health education
Helping to compose and share your story in speaking and/or writing
Facilitation mentorship
Editing your story

creative blocks

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