Overcoming Fear of Doing Nothing

Do you have a hard time taking space from your to do list and overcoming your fear of doing nothing? This video shares how to find the magical place between “should” and “want to”. How to resist the paradigm that tells us we should always operate linearly and find harmony with your own being and Read More

Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: Checklist

Psychiatric Med Withdrawal Checklist of things to keep in mind: 1. It Gets Better. Most people find that after psychiatric med withdrawal symptoms subside, they feel much better. This is because a toxin is no longer hampering the bodily systems, so everything is easier from breathing, to exercise, to digestion, to thinking clearly, communication and Read More

Tips For Psychiatric Survivors in Trump Era

In the wake of the new administration, many harsh realities have been hitting us. Our work to guard and protect those vulnerable to emotional/mental meltdowns is even more cut out for us than ever, and we were already under-resourced and overwhelmed. What many have studied along the lines of helping people in crisis and in Read More

Iatrogenic Injury, Ayurvedic Constitution, and Aging

I felt some healing in my body this morning.  It reminded me of how much damage psych drugs did to this same body when I was 20-23 and how a lot of that damage is felt MORE as I get older, not less, because it affected my aging process. The damage to my kidneys, liver, Read More

8 Tips For Anxiety

I’ve been feeling anxious today for no apparent reason. Last night I took a long country walk in the cool evening air and felt so grateful to finally be in a home out of the city. I saw two deer and picked many blackberries. Today I felt anxious about just about everything: What to do Read More

The One Spice I Use Everyday

Okay almost everyday. For whatever reason, my body usually doesn’t want turmeric and some other things like supplements and fermented foods on the first day of my period. Listen to yo’ body! It knows! So much. Turmeric has a slightly bitter flavor and I love scooping 1 or 2 generous teaspoons of it on eggs Read More

Achieving “Stability” Amidst Transience

Stay in touch with friends.  Reach out to friends/contacts/acquaintances wherever you currently are.  Revisit old interests and affiliations in new places. Keep a journal. Drink tea. Send emails.  Chat online. Throw/give things away when you no longer need them. Keep a blog and share it on social media. Find mentors. Pursue income streams that appeal Read More