Guest post by Nasi Moonstone My first memory is from when I was three years old. I witnessed a mass shooting at my hometown mall. My mom and I hid behind a bookcase in the bookstore. Later on in my life, I would read the newspaper archives, something like 10 wounded and 3 dead, including Read More
Dear Psychiatry (Psychiatry Poetry)
Psychiatry poetry by Jyl Anais Ion
I ground down in my Self,
the one I thought
had gone the way of all things
when I paid for your stories,
to help make sense of my pain.
Those days I washed up on your shore,
I was trying to put myself back together
when your therapy rearranged me
and then your medicine destroyed me.
I paid for your philosophy.
I paid you to help me.
I paid you with my life.
You told me you could help,
that the pills would
and then you drained my life out
slowly, over the next sixteen years.
Well, I returned home to myself
unmedicated and
found an answer
I sought with you
all those years you called me sick,
when I was already whole.
The effects of your pills poured cement
over my self-authority, until
I pried off the heavy glass
layered between
access to a full range of emotions,
memory, my identity
without your permission.
Now, I am reclaiming ground.
I sat across from you in that
English racing green leather chair
with brass rivets, and said “No.”
It sounded like silence
when that was all I could afford.
Your patients’ best interests get in the way
of profits, when health is what you reap
instead of sow.
Now, your white coats and fancy medical degrees
are in my wake,
as I hit the ground and
run for my life,
because the only way back to myself is
away from you
and the cage you filled pill bottles with.
Incarceration through diagnostic code:
you MD
you DO
you PsyD.
purveyors of poison for profit.
You who use Jupiter and his symbol
to represent the reward.
You decimated me
with chemical infused trojan horses.
Make no mistake
my womb doesn’t wander.
Research this:
barely four months off your “medicine”
my life force flooded back with a vengeance
that transcends your diagnostic criteria
and control.
I surrendered to my own body’s ability to heal itself,
grounded into
what you called fundamentally flawed,
said was wrong in as many ways
as you could fill your
and history.
“Whatever you do,
don’t stop taking your medication.” you said
after the Prozac
and the Paxil
and the Buspar
after the Klonopin
and the Xanax
and the Brintellix
and the Trazadone
and the Zoloft
and the Protriptyline
and the Lamictal
After the Hydroxyzine
and the Cymbalta
and the Celexa.
all this time
you claimed to do no harm.
I backed up,
told you to back off.
I withdrew and
finally found the answer
on my own without you,
who were no solution.
Your kindness and good intentions
aren’t enough
when you do harm,
© 2015 Jyl Ion. All rights reserved.
Do you have psychiatry poetry you’d like to publish here? We like to publish the psychiatry poetry of psychiatric survivors. Psychiatry poetry includes any feelings or thoughts about psychiatry before, during or after the withdrawal process. Send me your psychiatry poetry!
Shades of Awakening – What is CRAZY anyways?
Guest post by Dabney Alix – Many years ago I experienced what could be described as a psychotic break or, depending on what lense you’re looking through, a spiritual emergency. I was 22 years old and in a period of life where I felt entirely untethered. My 5 year relationship was ending and I Read More
If Each Nice Girl Took a Pen
Writing is resistance. It’s saying no, for however brief an instant, to the notion imparted on me that I’m here solely to respond, that I’m here to be nice, a good girl, cooperative and kind, that I’m here to play out the role I was assigned: to be convenient for others. Writing is the only Read More
A Million and One Reasons I Need to Get Out of Dodge
My mind is racing. I need a shower, a walk, an artists date, time with a friend, a break from the computer. I need to de-clutter, go through stuff, edit and type blog, learn a new language, play piano, practice Spanish, read Hebrew, and get out of dodge. That’s a lot. Oh, I also need Read More
All These Names are Within You
by Ben Ross Names for the Unnamed There’s a pressure not to name it abuse or to claim the vulnerability and sensitivity of the heart reflective, wind-responsive as a river or to see the full ecosystem of a child’s inner life more vast and intricate than a coral reef. How it’s all still here in Read More
Post-Pharma Party Cocktail
May psychiatry fall into its own trap May its karmic destiny finally come May it become disabled and disenfranchised as it has made me and my people May it like all things have its day May its sun set in the heavens the post psychiatry mystics and seers shining and glowing in Read More
Sharing Day
When I was a senior in high school, my poetry class had sharing day every Friday. We were all writing poetry from our own experience, and I thought, Wow, what if all of life was like this? Heaven on Earth. Now we have that, to some extent. That’s why I’m somewhat addicted to Facebook Read More
Missing Puzzle Pieces
Every one of us is needed for our collective liberation, every single one, therefore it’s important, necessary, really, that everyone’s experience be deemed valid. To call any experience of reality crazy is to cut ourselves off from that piece of the puzzle we are all working on. Someone might be working Read More
Love and Fear on Planet Earth
by Ben Ross What I Want More Than Anything Else Sometimes I think what I want more than anything else is to be rejected, and find out if love is here anyway – to fail, and find out if there’s an acceptance larger than achievement – to actually miss out on life, until I can Read More