If You’ve Broken Free From Psychiatry, Leave a Trail Mark

If you’ve broken free from psychiatry or any other type of oppression or form of injustice, leaving a trail marker for others to be guided by is crucial.

There are many ways to leave trail marks. You can tell your story to people you meet, write it down, audio record it and share it online, let someone interview you, make a video, write a book or even write it under a pseudonym if anonymity is a concern.

You can choose to make a difference in a few people’s lives or many.

The path to liberation from psychiatric harm runs on word of mouth. Most of us who are helping one another have little else to work with. We aren’t major corporations who can pay for a lot of advertising (and most of us are gentle souls who don’t want to tell others how to live their lives), we don’t have great political clout in most cases. We have our voices, our words, our stories, the power of our soul’s urges to make a difference, to spare others some of the hassle, disillusionment, pain and torture we went through ourselves.

While hiking on the land here in Olympia I came across several of these trail marker flags and couldn’t help but wonder how long ago they’d been tied up. Were they tied by someone I knew who lived on this land?

Leave a trail mark behind you for you never know who might find it and when they will need it.


You may be scared, but imagine where you’d be (or wouldn’t be) if others hadn’t taken the courage to whisper their secrets to you, or share them publicly.

When you find something important, leave a teaching or sign post or trail marker behind so someone else might find it too. You’re walking with everyone who came before and will come after you.


Here’s a 15 second instagram video I made telling my story.

37 thoughts on “If You’ve Broken Free From Psychiatry, Leave a Trail Mark

  1. Catherine says:

    I served time in an adolescent psychiatric unit for school phobia & other emotional issues when I was in my early teens. After the unit, I spent time in a halfway house for teenage girls like me. The warden was a sleaze who was always pawing me & making me feel uncomfortable & unsafe with innapropriate comments on my appearance & about sex in general. I ran away from this place after he threatened to see to it that I was sent back to the unit if I didn`t sleep with him.Some months later, I was at a drop in centre in the Portobello rd, Notting Hill, & one of the social workers called me into the office for a chat. When I got there, there was a psychiatrist waiting to interview me! Apparently I`d been traced by the police, & they wanted me to be declared of unsound mind so that I could be sent back to the adolescent unit, or some other mental institution where they could keep me under control. I ran out of there & never went back. If I`d allowed the psychiatrist to interview me, I`d have ended up spending my life going in & out of psychiatric hospitals for years, probably for the rest of my life because I`d be too institutionalised to cope on the outside.

    • Chaya says:

      Wow Catherine! Sorry I am just seeing this and responding now. That’s an amazing story. How did you run out of there? I’m glad you got free. That’s horrible that you had to cope with being sexually harassed on top of everything else!

  2. Teri Byrne says:

    Thank you for this – I was coerced into psychiatry for questioning a doctor who had left me injured and very hurt following a foot operation – he had used my body for bioengineering and bioactive glass experiments and did one such experiment by twisting my spine (by placing bioactive glass into the end of my spine – the bone grows around the glass )- so twisted my spine bone – because I knew what the had done I was dragged from home and forced down in a psychiatric ward and injected with the drugs – the story first started when I was prescribed Aliskiren drugs in 2011 which I suffered so many injuries from. Since then I am stalked targeted with electronic weapons – but whcan I do – I have now a petitiion on line – yes I do rant off on facebook but what can I do – I thought of that by writing and leaving my markings and pictures of electromagnetic bruising I a m leaving a trail, but at the end of the day who really cares – In Ireland and I have the Irish army stalking me and so many electronic shots even when I am on computere.

    Everyone keeps stopping me from talking about it but even when I stopped the harm is being done to me to force me back to check on their experiments on my body – I have had glands including the pituary gland removed from my body and a cartilage removed from my throat – all evidence of gland harm from the drug shredded,it is indeed the living pharmageddon and direct exposure to radiation to madden the thyroid.

    Thank you for what you are doing..


  3. Dmitry says:

    Psychiatrists make no mistakes and they don’t cause random, “unfavorable” effects. They know, how to destroy the humans nature. They transform a human to an alive nothing. And it quite satisfies them. They are the criminals. And we have to struggle with them as with the criminals. Don’t lie to yourselves, gentlemen. Support the petiton https://goo.gl/sMnJ6y This is necessary as air. It’s enough to open eyes to understand it.
    But, please, don’t open the reference. Dial the address https://goo.gl/sMnJ6y in Word document and afterwards put it to address line. Afterwards open the petition’s page and sign.

    • catherine birch says:

      I had school phobia as a child, & was put in a child psychiatric unit at the age of 9 for 4 months. It made no difference, & at the age of 13 I ended up in an adolescent unit in Chandler`s ford in Hampshire for 18 months. Their idea of “treatment” was to see the resident pychiatrist for half an hour a week, & be asked a load of stupid questions about our dreams, then have them quote Freud at us. Some of the staff were ok & treated the inmates like human beings, but the rest were only interested in their pay packets at the end of the week, & would just sit around gossiping, smoking & drinking tea all day. If any of the inmates dared to answer back, or not do as they were told, then they would be force fed largactyl so that they would be in a stupor & not be a bother to them. After I`d left that place, I was placed in a halfway house where the warden was always sexually harrassing me, so I ran away when I couldn`t stand it any more. I used to go to a drop in centre in the Portobello rd, & one day I was called into the office because someone was waiting to see me. When i got there, there was a woman wearing a white coat who told me that she was a psychiatrist! I realised that the psychiatric services had tracked me down & sent her to have me declared incompetent & have me sent back to the adolescent unit, or some other hospital. I turned & ran out of there as fast as I could & never went near that place again.I managed to stay out of the clutches of the mental health services after that. It amazes me to this day that they put so much effort into tracking me down like a dangerous fugitive when I was no risk to anyone. It was all about control in my opinion.

  4. Dmitry says:

    Involuntary “treatment” should be deleted, since it is a atrocity and a crime. And nothing else not is. The very phrase “compulsory treatment” includes absolute contradiction, absurd. “Treatment” is defined to help the suffering person. And so the treatment can only be voluntary. Coercion is it has quite another assignment. It is directed against a person. How is it possible to combine so incongruous goals ?! How can be a doctor and executioner all rolled into one?

    • Chaya says:

      I agree Dmitry. “Treatment” should be voluntary and helpful, nourishing and restorative, healing. It should resonate with the person receiving it.

  5. Dmitry says:

    Psychiatry in Russia
    Posts victims: .. And now imagine. You go into an institution to visit someone. Suppose you were allowed to go on an exceptional basis. A crowd of boys, six to ten years, surrounding you on all sides. Everyone wants your attention, everyone wants to speak – adult came. And one happily reports: “And here we give a pill.” What?
    – Chlorpromazine, phenazepam, haloperidol, and this … sonapaks parkopan.
    (Names clatter as rhyme)
    – Why give?
    – When we behave badly.
    – It’s like you’re driving yourself bad?
    – Well, fight, smoke, swear obscenities, educators rude someone …
    Boy about seven years. If it round the clock to keep under lock and key – he will try to get out at any cost.
    Will he answer back, be rude, fight not as we would like an adult? Just need to put yourself in his place.
    And everything becomes clear to ugliness. The actual scene in quite a decent psychiatric hospital for children. I mean that when it comes to the orphaned children, they are likely out of this circle is not freed. The gas chambers were merciful. The Nazis killed at least once, not tortured …

  6. Dmitry says:

    Dr. Herbert Kinnel published an article on doctors as serial killers appeared in the British Medical Journal.

    He says: “There are enough recorded instances of multiple murders by doctors (real or bogus) to make at least a prima facie case that the profession attracts some people with a pathological interest in the power of life and death….He also says: Психиатры убийцы.

    “Arguably medicine has thrown up more serial killers than all the other professions put together“.

    Dr. Kinnel makes the following points:

    1) The medical profession seems to attract some people with a pathological interest in the power of life and death

    2) Doctors have been responsible for killing not only patients and strangers but members of their own family.

    3) The political killers par excellence were the Nazi doctors and the Japanese doctors engaged in biological warfare

    http://jeffreydachmd.com/serial-killers-in-the-medical-profession/ … Психиатры убийцы.

  7. Dmitry says:

    Psychiatrists make no mistakes and they don’t cause random, “unfavorable” effects. They know, how to destroy the humans nature. They transform a human to an alive nothing. And it quite satisfies them. They are the criminals. And we have to struggle with them as with the criminals. Don’t lie to yourselves, gentlemen. Support the petiton https://goo.gl/sMnJ6y This is necessary as air. It’s enough to open eyes to understand it.

  8. Dmitry says:

    Psychiatrists make no mistakes and they don’t cause random, “unfavorable” effects. They know, how to destroy the humans nature. They transform a human to an alive nothing. And it quite satisfies them. They are the criminals. And we have to struggle with them as with the criminals. Don’t lie to yourselves, gentlemen. Support the petiton https://goo.gl/sMnJ6y This is necessary as air. It’s enough to open eyes to understand it.

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  13. Omegle Chat says:

    It’s so important to share our stories of breaking free from psychiatric harm and other forms of oppression. Leaving a trail mark can guide others on their journey to liberation. Whether it’s through telling our stories in person, writing them down, recording them, or even creating a video, each trail mark can make a difference in someone’s life

  14. Dustylbashirian says:

    The discussion about mental health and personal empowerment is truly inspiring. It takes courage and resilience to forge your own path. Speaking of building strength and independence, have you explored the online game monkey mart? It challenges players to manage their own virtual business, promoting strategic thinking and problem-solving – valuable skills for navigating life’s challenges!

  15. Google says:

    Thank for your writting. Mental illness is not something to be ashamed of, so be brave and share it with others so they can help you. And you should also search for methods on Google to safely fix this situation

  16. Durgan says:

    Mental illness is really dangerous and interns don’t know how they work every day when interacting with such patients. I went to the top search and found a lot of information and didn’t know which information was correct.

  17. fangfit says:

    “Reflecting on ‘If You’ve Broken Free From Psychiatry, Leave a Trail Mark’: This piece navigates freedom from psychiatric constraints, akin to navigating levels in the online game google each step a new trail. Its call to mark paths resonates, urging solidarity in unconventional journeys.”

  18. Thomas J. Long says:

    Recovering from mental illness is a long and challenging journey, just like overcoming the constant obstacles in the slope game . Each step forward requires patience, effort, and sometimes support from those around you. Although the road is difficult, with determination, the light at the end of the tunnel will become clearer each day.

  19. Dorotheachamplin says:

    Breaking free from psychiatry can feel liberating, like stepping into the unknown. Share your journey on platforms like Omegle, where anonymity fosters open dialogue and encouragement. Your story may inspire others, creating a trail of resilience and hope. Remember, your experience matters; leave a mark that echoes through the conversations you spark.

  20. Keon Muller says:

    Chaya Grossberg’s blog discusses breaking free from psychiatry, encouraging readers to leave a trail mark of their experiences. This process can be empowering, much like navigating the Dinosaur Game, where each obstacle overcome represents progress. Sharing your journey can inspire others and build a community. Let’s turn our trials into triumphs, creating a positive impact in the lives of those who may still feel trapped.

  21. metropolitan says:

    At its core, mental health liberation advocates for the right of individuals to make their own choices about their care, treatment, and healing. As Google puts it, It emphasizes that people should have the right to decide whether they want to seek psychiatric help, take medication, or explore other forms of therapy or support.

  22. rodinggater says:

    I appreciate this discussion on mental health liberation! It’s crucial that individuals have the autonomy to choose their paths to healing. This reminds me of playing Geometry Dash—just like mastering a level requires personal strategy and choices, so does managing one’s mental health. Encouraging self-determination

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