Anything’s Possible

I think people watch meteor showers to remind themselves anything’s possible.

I think people have kids to remind themselves anything’s possible.

I think people become doctors or healers to remind themselves anything’s possible.

I think people go to sleep at night to remind themselves anything’s possible.


I think people get out of bed in the morning to remind themselves anything’s possible.

I think people read, listen to music, view art, to remind themselves anything’s possible.

I think people rebel against the norm to remind themselves anything’s possible.


People cook to remind themselves anything’s possible.

People opt to live without psych drugs or go off them to affirm their suspicions: Anything’s possible.


Anything’s possible if I slow down, if I water my garden, if I wake up in the morning, if I open my eyes.


I think people take photos to remind themselves anything’s possible.

People write down what’s happened to them to affirm anything’s possible.

People put their life story in their own words to assert: Anything’s possible.


People rage against the police, government, psychiatry, the Man, the system, patriarchy and all other oppression because they know anything’s possible and it’s killing them.

Knowing anything’s possible isn’t vague or airy fairy,

it’s deep within, sad, real, it’s a wild bear, a big snake, a shooting star, a baby, an unexpected feeling, uncontrollable, unwilling to be silenced, shut down, quieted, pushed under, told,

“That’s impossible.”


Anything’s possible won’t stop, won’t quit, won’t ever accept our efforts to limit it, so we may as well create with it.

We may as well join its team, fight for its rights,

for if we’re not with it we’re against it,

drugging and drugging and drugging feelings and fears and creativity,

love, imagination, rightful rage,

begging the world to confirm that we are inherently limited,

which it will not,

even once we die,

especially once we die,

so we remind ourselves,



anything’s possible today! 


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