Combating Isolation in Psychiatric Med Withdrawal

If you’re in psychiatric med withdrawal, planning to be, or are recovering from the process and isolated, you may wish there were people to talk to by phone or video chat who could understand what you are going through. Isolation in psychiatric med withdrawal is extremely common.


Many of my clients are in this very situation. You aren’t alone. There are many thousands of people who have been made sick and isolated by psychiatric drugs and/or the withdrawal process.


You may be often somewhat home bound and spend a lot of time alone and in agony. Talking to someone who is going through something similar can be a lifeline. Talking to another compassionate person can help too.


During these times you may feel suicidal, anxious, fearful, disoriented and have many other agonizing experiences. Having a friend to talk to while at home may not take them away completely, or at all, but the distraction and camaraderie makes a big difference.


It can be a matter of life and death, yet so many are alone, have no one to talk to and don’t have the focus to figure out how to find people to connect with.


There are several online forums as well as Facebook groups and other social media platforms such as Twitter, where you can request a buddy to chat with.


There are also Warm lines as an option. You don’t need to give your real name. It’s common to need anonymity during these times until you have built trust with who you are talking to.


Here are a few forum links where you can look for people to talk to:


Surviving Antidepressants

Benzo Buddies

Inner Compass Initiative

Facebook groups

Warm lines

Article I wrote on warm lines

If you have been through or are going through isolation in med withdrawal or post withdrawal, please share here what has helped. You can also use the comments section here to request buddies to chat with.

3 thoughts on “Combating Isolation in Psychiatric Med Withdrawal

  1. Chaya says:

    Hi Hibari. Good question. The warm lines on that list are general warm lines so it’s hard to know. It can vary a lot depending on who the operator is who answers. It would be so cool to have a warm line specifically for med withdrawal. These warm lines are anonymous so at least there isn’t threat of them calling the cops etc.

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