It is tempting to dream when this much is given to us. We might say, “How can I hold this?” We might trip over our sentences in search for a bee or a fly in this stillness. Or a bald eagle might come along fiercely letting sound out without the slightest restraint, or the car Read More
Category: Uncategorized
What anchors us? Some of us have deep intimacy with a number of places, people, routines, parts of ourselves… and then these things can change, intimacies shift. What does it mean to be intimate with the flow of life? How do we know if we are intimate or anchored? It can shift from moment to Read More
The Dinner Club Conversation About Psych Drugs
Last night at a dinner club, I brought up the conversation of psychiatric drugs causing a rise in disability rates. I suggested Anatomy of an Epidemic by Robert Whitaker to a man who was talking about how he works for Social Security disability to determine whether people are eligible for disability. He asked what it Read More
Starting Out On Patreon
I’ve been exploring doing “pledge for pledge” on Patreon with artists I resonate with. I read about it through a couple of other artists blogs and thought I would give it a try by asking a handful of people (to start) whether they’d like to pledge for pledge. Almost right away, I got this message Read More
Numero-astro Full Moon Thanksgiving Report
I discovered numerology 15 years ago, around the time of my “spiritual emergence”, and began to study astrology at the same time. I even took it too far into fantasy and grandiosity, like I did with many things at that time. We swing back and forth and take things too far. In this video I Read More
On Being a Healer
What is healing? How do we respond when someone says they are sick or implies they have a problem in need of healing? Gosh these questions have disturbed me since I was a child and the answer was a spoonful of pink sugary amoxicillin or some pill to swallow, amidst still unhappy circumstances. What is Read More
Cross Disciplinary Interview Series: Rebekah Moan
I met Rebekah, also known as Radha, through mutual friends, 6 years ago in San Francisco, where she led meditation and spiritual study groups. She welcomed me into her home and told me about the book she was writing and many of her life experiences. In the chaotic city of San Francisco, I went to her home Read More
Cross Disciplinary Interview Series: Shel Horowitz
I was first introduced to Shel Horowitz’ work over a decade ago when I was living in Western Massachusetts and had recently self published my first book. My friend pointed me to Shel’s book, Guerilla Marketing, which I read numerous times. This was before I had a Facebook account. Thinking back on the advice in Read More
Cross Disciplinary Interview Series
I sent this letter to about a dozen friends and colleagues of mine who do NOT work in mental health fields. These are people I admire who have different focuses in life entirely, but who I think have important things to say in relation to the topic of psychiatry and resisting psychiatry. Stay tuned for Read More