guest blog by the MediBee team Health monitoring through technological devices is becoming popular. Many have scrapped pen and paper when initiating a withdrawal program, and now use excel sheets to track progress and monitor medicine dosages. MediBee is an app for psychiatric med withdrawal. Silvia Meyer, who is based in Denmark, has added an Read More
Category: Uncategorized
Alternatives to Chemical Restraints
Chemical restraints are pharmaceutical drugs used to sedate someone so they can be more easily controlled in a crisis or perceived crisis situation. They are usually tranquilizers, benzodiazepines such as Xanax or Attivan that are given in the form of an injection when they are not consented to. There are a variety of alternatives to Read More
Getting Off Risperdal/Risperidone
Coming off Risperdal was probably one of the hardest things I’ve done. Risperdal was one of the most difficult psychiatric drugs I ever withdrew from. Even though it was over a decade ago, I can still remember a lot of the withdrawal effects. I told a friend I felt like I was “slipping off the Read More
Shouting Is Not The Answer: 7 Reasons Why Yelling At Your Kids Should Be Stopped
Guest post by Jane Smith Many parents still yell at their kids. To a large extent, it’s still socially acceptable to do so today. At one point in Western history, it wasn’t a big deal to hit children, deny them food, or wash out their mouths with soap as forms of punishment but in reality, Read More
Mental Health Empowerment: Moving Away from Reliance on the Pharmaceutical Industry
By: Emma Snyder Woodside Chaya Grossberg, a native of New York who now resides in Olympia, Washington, is attempting to influence how people view prescription psychiatric medications, mental health empowerment and how we define what it is to be ‘mentally healthy.’ It is not news that prescription drugs, as well as diagnosed cases of mental Read More
Mental Health Perspectives Interview
Mental Health Perspectives Interview with Chaya Grossberg by Emma Snyder Woodside, Evergreen College student studying alternative health. Emma: Could you talk about your mental health perspectives in general? What does it mean to be ‘mentally healthy?’ Chaya: Here’s something I wrote on that: When someone uses the term mental health what do you assume they Read More
Transforming Negative Beliefs
Transforming negative beliefs: Have you ever written a list of the disempowering things you tell yourself and then replaced it with a list of positive things people have actually said about you? Here’s mine if you need some inspiration: Disempowering beliefs/things that were implanted into my brain by evil external forces over and over. not Read More
How to Improve Memory (at any age)
How to Improve Memory (at any age) I have a near photographic memory. Here are the things that work: 1. Daily writing longhand, 7 longhand pages per day, every single day. 2. Daily meditation-simply sitting quietly for at least 20 minutes per day. 3. Fish oil/cod liver oil. 4. Eating ample healthy fats like butter, Read More
Don’t Say You Have a Chemical Imbalance
Don’t say you have a chemical imbalance. It’s best to never say you have a chemical imbalance in your brain. People hate to hear it because it sounds like an excuse to be inconsiderate of others. People also hate it because it isn’t true or proven biologically. People say it without ever having their brain Read More
Creative Blocks and How to Overcome Them
My work with many clients has showed me that creative blocks often get diagnosed as mental illness so being able to recognize and break through them can be life saving. It can even keep people from suicide. Something important is consistency, having a daily creative practice that is done no matter what. Mine is daily Read More