What Does Mental Health Mean?

What does mental health mean?

When someone uses the term mental health what do you assume they mean?

Someone who is happy most of the time?

Someone who lets others know and expresses it when they are sad or angry?

Someone who knows how to hide it well and keep on keeping on when they are grieving?

what does mental health mean?

What does mental health mean?

Someone who makes enough money to support them self well?

Someone with a good brain?

Someone very intelligent who uses their mind creatively?

Someone who can think linearly and not get distracted with dreamy or “too creative” thinking?

What does mental health mean?

Someone good at conforming to social norms?

Someone with a strong moral foundation who does what is right to them regardless of social norms?

What does mental health mean?

Someone who can always keep a good balance between extremes?

Someone who never flies off the handle?

Someone who knows to break down and ask for help when things get hard?

Someone for whom things don’t tend to get hard?

What does mental health mean?

what does mental health mean?

Someone who fits in well to society as a whole or at least some subset of it?

Someone willing to be true to themselves even when they don’t conform with anything that already exists?

Someone who loves deeply and easily?

Deeply and with difficulty?


Never, because love is destabilizing to the mind?

What does mental health mean?

Mental health, a term that only psychiatrists and therapists should use?

Only people who self define as mentally ill should use?

Only self defined mentally healthy should use?

Only those with a relative or close friend they define as mentally ill should use?

Everyone should continue to use vaguely without definition and assume we all mean the same thing?

What does mental health mean?

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