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required blog for certification

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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 10

I'm not sure if I posted my writing correctly. But, here is the link.

Chaya reacted
Member Admin
Joined: 11 years ago
Posts: 54

Great job Rachael! Will you add an image to it and then publish it? Your image can be a photo you take or a free one from an online site of free images such as pixabay. Having an image will make it show up better on social media when we all share it ❤️❤️❤️

Rachael reacted
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 5

Chaya:  why can’t you let me know what the entire cost of certification is, what is required and what we get for becoming certified by you?   I’ve paid for one module.....will they be $60 each, $40, $30??   How about a clue?   Why keep it a secret?  

Member Admin
Joined: 11 years ago
Posts: 54

Hi Robert,

I’m sorry you think I’m keeping it a secret. I promise I’m not, I’m still working out some of these details, as I explained to you over email.

In terms of what is required, like I said in the email, it will be mostly blogging for each course.

The certification is a process and you will get a lot of knowledge and experience as well as me publicizing your work and connections to this community of support. You will have access to this forum to ask me and others questions. You will get all of the videos and lessons, PDFs and any other activities I create such as a buddy to practice with.

After you’re certified my plan is to refer clients to you and continue to publicize your work to my large network and email list.

There is also nothing stopping you or anyone from launching your business while in the process of taking this course. It is brand new and some kinks are still being worked out.

Can I ask what is most important to you to get out of it and what your biggest concerns are? 

As for the price, the first module is/was 90$ with presale discounts of 30$, 45$ and 60$. Future modules will be in a similar ballpark with likely only one presale discount.

I’m sorry that you don’t trust my intentions and I encourage you to only take this course if the style feels like a fit for you.

Despite it being new I am offering a lot and want to give it to those most hungry for it and most valuing it.


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Joined: 11 years ago
Posts: 54

Also, Robert, while I’m not keeping secrets, and not super into being accused of that, your questions are totally valid and i appreciate them. I also welcome you to email me any feedback you have about the course, what is working for you and isn’t.

Your concerns are highly important to me. I do hope to write up a clearer vision for the whole course, though I need some time to do so and part of the time is seeing how everyone is responding to and participating in the first module.


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