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I'm not sure what Ayurveda constitution I'd be or exactly how to assess others: off medication I am thin but also robust but more prone to insomnia and anxiety rather than lethargy..

There is a wonderful social enterprise food program in the community I live in called Good Food Box. They run on volunteer labour so are able to offer wholesale prices on boxes of fresh, local produce; great for people on a modest budget and if you put in a day a month of volunteer labour packing boxes you bring home a week's worth of produce.. 

A problem I ran into vis a vis diet in the past is trying to be too much of a perfectionist rather than just doing what you emphasize: getting in good protein, good grounding foods, easy, doable healthy options.. It seems that despite all the research into nutrition over the years, the only thing everyone agrees on is to cut out processed food! Thanks/Cheers, Kristen

Rachael and Chaya reacted
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Hi Kristen,

Yes some people, like perhaps you, have more than one dosha or constitution. You could be a vata-pitta. But the doshas also get more or less activated in different seasons and times of life, so like everything I think it can be a helpful guideline but then we still need to listen to our bodies each day.

That program sounds great! Some farmers markets also offer free local produce to food stamps recipients who buy other goods at the market.

I can definitely relate about being a perfectionist and I can get obsessive sometimes.

Thanks for posting, and I look forward to reading your blog. You can use any or all of these topics.

This post was modified 6 years ago by Chaya

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Is there any one in this forum who had restless legs due to psychiatric medicine and treated it without medicine. I want to learn what helped and what makes it worse. ??

Chaya reacted
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Posts: 54

Have you tried increasing minerals? Topical magnesium oil should be well tolerated as well as epsom salt and baking soda baths. Getting dietary potassium might help. Liquid minerals are another idea. And bone broth with seaweed for the minerals. Also eating enough protein and fat regularly.

Rachael reacted
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The nutritional component is, in my experience, the most important and simultaneously the most challenging aspect of withdrawal.  I was on a cocktail of 6 or 7 drugs for about 35 years.   I knew from the get go I had to get off the drugs yet I tried and tried and failed over and over.  It wasn't until I radically changed my life, moving away from the city and completely changing my diet, that I was able to move forward and achieve any kind of success.  Slowly I started to withdraw, slowly, slowly, usually a fraction of one pill, one at a time. I worked with a nutritionist, Paul Pitchford, whose book Healing With Whole Foods book taught me how food could be medicine.  I went off dairy, stopped eating wheat, ate lot's of bone broth and vegetables.  It was years of work and I am now totally free of medication for approximately 1 1/2 years.  I still have mental health challenges but I am living without psychiatric medications.  Using creative approaches and activities to increase self-esteem and provide a sense of purpose was for me the way to go.  I anchored myself in making art, eating right and exercise. It doesn't mean my mental health issues will go away.  Years on drugs have created chronic issues that I must learn to live with and manage.  I'm back on a more well-rounded diet now but am often not even hungry.  Eating remains a challenge!  My advice is to make it as easy as possible.... mono diets work if you don't have the energy.  Mung beans and rice, sweet potatoes, soups, oatmeal, etc.  And exercise is a must..even just walking around the block!   For a visual journey of my withdrawal from psych drugs see my instagram feed @robertrootenberg.   Thanks

Rachael and Chaya reacted
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This is great Robert. You can post this as the start of your blog if you'd like and feel free to link to your instagram account. If you go to the dashboard on this site, you should see where to create a new post and play around with adding some of your images to the blog. I look forward to seeing it! If you have any questions about how to set up your blog, please post them here.

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I'm excited!  Thank you Chaya!

Chaya reacted
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 10

Hi Chaya,

I'm not sure if I am understanding the assignment completely. Do you want me to create a blog post on my own website and post a link? Or am I supposed to do it somewhere on this site? I've looked around on your site and have not found a way to create a post (other then adding a topic in the forum). Please advise! Thanks!


Chaya reacted
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Are you able to access the posting here with this link?

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Unfortunately, No.

It says "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page."

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I just upgraded each of you to higher permissions. Try now?

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Still doesn’t work

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Ok. You may need to go to and enter your login and password there. Otherwise I’ll have to troubleshoot when I get to computer.

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Thanks Chaya! The link now works!

Chaya reacted
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