Music More Powerful, Less Addictive Than SSRI’s

By Alternative to Meds Center Thanks to the legendary works of Plato, et al, we are still be able to appreciate the innate power in music to evoke profound emotion, instill meaning, and even tame the mind’s chaos, disorder, discontent, and anxiety. Music has a wealth of ancient wisdom and lore connected to it, going Read More

Shocking Details For Moms and Babies Trickling Out on Questionable Effexor (SNRI) Drug Marketing

Something shocking has been going on with the SNRI antidepressant drug Effexor since the drug was listed in the 2015 list of drugs to be banned, published by the European Medicines Agency (1). Equally shocking, there are hundreds more drugs banned in Europe, but not in the US or Canada. Various drugs, about 700 in Read More