
Joined: Mar 6, 2014
Last seen: Jul 26, 2024
Topics: 11 / Replies: 42
RE: Avoiding Akathisia....tapering from anti-psychotics

This is a great start for a blog. You can post it as a blog on this site by going to add new post on the dashboard.

6 years ago
RE: required blog for certification

This is great Robert. You can post this as the start of your blog if you'd like and feel free to link to your instagram account. If you go to the dash...

6 years ago
RE: required blog for certification

Have you tried increasing minerals? Topical magnesium oil should be well tolerated as well as epsom salt and baking soda baths. Getting dietary potass...

6 years ago
RE: required blog for certification

Hi Kristen, Yes some people, like perhaps you, have more than one dosha or constitution. You could be a vata-pitta. But the doshas also get more or le...

6 years ago
RE: Fruit juice

This is in the general forum. To post in the group for all members of the course, you need to scroll down on the forum page, to the last forum listed....

6 years ago
RE: Fruit juice

As for the sugar, I would make sure he’s eating enough protein and fat. People often crave sugar when they haven’t eaten enough of these, and fat is m...

6 years ago
RE: Fruit juice

By the way, if you are in the course, will you post in the forum for the course so the other students will see it? It’s below the main forum on this s...

6 years ago
RE: Fruit juice

Good question. When I was on risperdal, I couldn’t tolerate any sugar, including fruit or juice. But your son may be able to. How old is he? If he tol...

6 years ago
RE: Tapering off anti-psychotics

This isn't an international list, and I'm not sure how many of these folks taper people, but someone just sent me this list of medical professionals w...

6 years ago
RE: Tapering off anti-psychotics

Definitely. Did you see my other reply above?

6 years ago
RE: Tapering off anti-psychotics

There are practitioners who are non-medical non-prescribers who might be able to help, such as herbalists and natural health experts but they wouldn’t...

6 years ago
RE: Tapering off anti-psychotics

Have you checked the list on the Mindfreedom international website? That’s the only one I can think of, though Mad in America website has a list too b...

6 years ago
RE: Tapering off anti-psychotics

Thanks for posting. Would you like to share your location so we can look for professionals who can help you taper? Are you looking for medical profess...

6 years ago
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