A woman who lives in Australia contacted me recently for support. She has been isolated in her desire to be free of psychiatry and needs to remain anonymous due to a court order but asked that I share her email address here so that others who are seeking mutual support by Skype might contact her: butterflyogini25@yahoo.com.au
Here are her inspiring and hopeful words about her own process, along with her art:
My Process Coming Off Psych Meds
I have been in the process of coming off psych meds since May 2011, 4 years now. In this time I have come on and off 10 times, had 10 psychotic episodes, been in the hospital 12 times and been very depressed.
I prefer this process to just staying on the meds. I see the success in the process as with each withdrawal I am learning a little more about myself and how to live well without medication; each psychosis and depressed episode is easier for me with time and learning. In my time coming off meds I have also experienced the great joy, bliss and a depth of connection and peace with myself that I was always looking for when I was on meds.

I am currently on a community treatment order, which is forced treatment by law, and I have injections once a month, for the next 4 months. This has been very hard for me to bear and I have consequently become very depressed.
I have a holistic doctor and a holistic counselor who are happy to support me coming off meds and I am grateful for this.
I talked with Chaya Grossberg today on Skype and this gave me a lot of hope and courage and I feel myself lifted out of the suicidal despair I was in.
I would like to connect with other people who have come off meds or are in the process so we can support each other. I am very passionate about this journey and I would like to share this with others.
I am reigniting this passion in myself after getting discouraged by my current situation of some of the medical establishment having some very firm different opinions around what I need now. I have hope and I am moving forward, one step at a time.
It can be very depressing to me when I am conflicted with some medical teams and I feel hope now that I can overcome this with support from others who support my view. It is very encouraging to feel there is a way off meds and to feel well off them.
On this day I have a very strong hope this can happen for me and this hope is clearing away the depression and disappointment and fear. I can see the success in my journey and I trust more is naturally on its way to me.
When I am off meds I feel a lightness in me, and a centeredness; I feel my own natural energy rising up. I feel deep connection and sensitivity in meditation, in nature and in relationships. I feel like myself and I feel more and more able to tolerate and embrace and at times enjoy my extreme, altered states, when they arise.
I look forward to learning more about wellness as I continue my journey off meds. I feel a strong need for support in this process and I feel happy this is coming to me now.
I am grateful for this journey off meds, it has been very nourishing to me, and continues to be, and I feel happy to share it with others here. Namaste!
If you’d like to connect for mutual support, please email: butterflyogini25@yahoo.com.au