Your Road to Freedom

Together we can walk the path to wholeness, you don’t have to go this alone, take my hand.

Break Free from Psychiatric Drugs

Your journey to wholeness begins here, right where you are.

You want healthy and holistic alternatives to psychiatric meds.

You have too many gifts to be on psych drugs.

There’s something you need to share with the world.

And you can’t be compromised by psych drugs much longer.

Or at least not forever.

You’re in the right place.

On this blog you are a human being, accepted and valued.

You want to come off psychiatric drugs but when you’ve tried in the past you went cold turkey.

You were so ready to be free you had a crisis or ended up back in the hospital and put on more drugs.

Or you tapered slowly but lost patience.

Or those around you did.

Your doctor started switching around the meds you’re on and it got confusing.

You don’t know which drug is doing what.

When you have adverse affects to the medications, you don’t even know which medication is causing which effect.

When you do know your doctor doesn’t believe you and no one takes you seriously enough.

You’ve started to withdraw but had excruciating withdrawal symptoms like panic attacks and psychosis.

They were even worse than what you experienced before going on meds.

Every so often you want so much to be free, you try a cold turkey again, you want your mind and energy back so badly.

You are pretty sure going slowly is your best bet, but then you’ll need lots of long term support and where will you find that?

Your friends and family are busy and get annoyed with you easily.

Or they are intrusive and constantly try to tell you what to do.

Your doctors are only there for short appointments.

They know even less about withdrawal than you do, or than you can learn online.

This is where I can help.

I’m not a magic pill.

But I can help you see and clarify your purpose.

And get your life back.

Map out the road back to freedom.

Here’s your free E-Book to get started!

Reconnect to your body, mind and spirit.

Choose your creative, health and nutritional practices.

Those that work for you, your life and your body

I specialize in understanding withdrawal process.

We piece together support systems that work for you, which may be people, nutrition and other practices.

You want to be free and full of your real, authentic, creative energy again

You miss knowing what you think feel and desire.

Most of all you want to feel alive, alert and connected again.

You have a lot of worth, value and inspiration for others too, and that can easily be recognized.

I have the gift of intuitively tapping into you to bring those feelings of aliveness, connection and validity.

We work together with your actual situation, where you are right now.

I offer you my huge knowledge base of med free solutions that bring you a med free life.

A life where your own intuition is clear.

A life where those around you look to you for inspiration.

Please take your time looking through the many blogs and articles on this site (click on start here in the menu) with all kinds of

information, tips, personal suggestions, stories and inspiration for your journey to live without psych meds.

My hope is that this site will give you lots of ideas, faith and resources for your journey, and that you’ll take your time with it and read the whole thing.

To your freedom,


Another resource for connection, hope, inspiration and healing is my free You Tube channel.You can find videos on spiritual emergence, anxiety management, suggestions for crisis and much more. Please explore and keep returning to my blog and You Tube channel (and subscribe) as I post on both frequently.

You can subscribe to both and join my newsletter for consistent inspiration. If this work moves you and you have the resources, I invite you to sponsor me on Patreon.

I do this work freely, every day, with no other funding.

Thanks and blessings on your journey to be med-free. Hang in there-it’s worth it!

Keep reading this site, commenting and staying connected!

I work people who are having their spiritual or creative emergence labeled a mental illness and resist psychiatry and psych drugs.

I have many testimonials of my work and operate both intuitively and based on tons of on the ground experience working with people around the world for the past 15 years, meeting each person where they are (which may be not yet ready to withdraw from psychiatric drugs). Withdrawal can be a complex process and each person’s path must be honored.
