The Weight of Air and Emptiness

What is the weight of air?

What is the weight of emptiness?

What is the value,

the cost,

of space in your soul?

How much would you pay for the real thing?

Not an imitation but space itself

like a cube

or a rectangular solid in your heart–

like validity and simplicity

no questions asked?

Like -that was a question/no it wasn’t

Like an argument that turns into gravy

over laughter

which you eat like spaghetti

when no one is looking.

How much would you pay,

what is the price

on transcendence

and transparency?

And is the price tag golden?

Or shut?

Or cranberry sauce and eggs?

How golden do you want to be? is the question.

How much will you say you’re worth?

And how did you calculate the dividend?

And how will you know tomorrow?

When doors are shut, when peepholes are open,

when everything you once knew has evaporated and the sand is dry…

dunes on dunes.

How many times can you ask the same question?

How many full moons can you breathe through? Up and down

with the tides,

ever changing, ever standing still,

relaxed and open as if the world were here for you

meant for you

even created for you

which is not how you ordinarily feel

but it is how you like to drink juice,

it is how you like to walk on the beach

and fly through the sky

and it is your weapon, your middle name and your tactic

even though you’re tired of tactics,

they are so boring and predictable

yet they come in handy

when it comes time to rule a world that wasn’t made for you-

it was made for them

so destroying them is all you’ve got,

pulling tricks out of your net bag;

importance qualifies everyone

to do what they do

important or not

smart or stupid

hello or goodbye.

I asked myself yesterday if I’m busy being born or dying

and hated Bob Dylan for the umpteenth time

and millionth reason.

I didn’t have an answer to that question as I walked through Autumn in Portland

where everything is being born as the rains just began

and everything is crumbling and dying too-

so I knew

Bob Dylan had nothing on me

I knew nature had proven him wrong,

that it doesn’t have to be either/or

and it’s okay to be dying and being born simultaneously,

and we all are and there’s no us an them, livers and dyers.


For we need the dying amidst living-

it is what gives us our emptiness, what gives us our worth.

It’s why the rains stream down our faces,

warmly washing dust away with their salts

and why memories come willy nilly from nowhere-

from the past

and a place that must be called dead

since it sure ain’t alive no more.

As the waters stream down,

I am cleansed of myself- my life

and even my death sometimes

in rare moments

valuable ones

where I find space in my soul

and feel the weight of air and emptiness

crashing me open

shattering my heart to pieces.

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