Review of Freedom From Psychiatric Drugs by Katharine Sheilds

Please purchase the following book as it is a much needed companion for those discontinuing prescribed psychoactive substances. Please forward this email to others who might be interested, be they users, allies, or conduits.
It is written by Chaya Grossberg, whose current business is as a consulting non-medical advisor to those considering discontinuation ad well as holding workshops around the country.
I know her and recommend both her services and the book she has written. She gives informational and writing workshops. 
There is nothing in print of this sort. There is an absence of reliable assistance for the process of quitting.
Chaya Grossberg’s new book, after the reading.
It is sold locally in Five Colleges towns’ independent bookshops. Purchase it, says me!!! I have seen so much suffering regarding this issue. There is little concrete information at all much less in one location. It’s mostly word-of-mouth, with a few extra ordinary people and marginal groups.
The book is already a classic within the movement, the loosely allied groups in the U.S and Europe not in the thrall of the medicalization of mental health. It is titled Freedom From Psychiatric Drugs. If you know anyone who is questioning what has been prescribed to them or a friend, ally, family member, please consider spending the $24 dollars-ish for the book.

I am in awe. Chaya has worked in the mental field as everything but as a prescriber: I have personally known her on the West and East coasts as a Counselor, Art Therapist, Advocate, Writer,  Educator, Businesswoman- in a new arena; as a professional non-medically-trained adviser for those looking to discontinue a psychiatric medication(s). I only know of a handful with the chops.She is enthusiastic, kind, informed, and realistic. From my perch, she is a change agent, a dear one, a friend. Please support her endeavors. Interesting workshops on creativity and more book readings on her website”

–Katharine Sheilds


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5 thoughts on “Review of Freedom From Psychiatric Drugs by Katharine Sheilds

  1. Mariah Carey says:

    To anyone taking these now, just know that it is completely possible to get off of the meds and end up 100x better than you felt before you got on them. wordle

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